In a previous post we talked about solfege. I argued that singing from sight can be best learned by giving numbers to the notes in the scale and relating all notes to the root.

The post ended with the following two short exercises:

These exercises are not too difficult, because the structure is clear. After singing them a few times, you probably know them by heart. In the next two exercises the notes are placed in a more random order:


The above exercises are for practicing ascending intervals. The root is the lowest note and from this note you are jumping up. The following exercises are meant to work on your descending intervals. The root now lies on top and from that note you are jumping down:

If you master these exercises, try the following ones, in which the jumps get more and more difficult:

Above and below

The next step is to combine notes above and below the root:

Finally, here are two exercises with the same notes, but in a less logical order:

Good luck with practicing.